Partner Roundtable Sites
The Faculty Roundtable began in the Five Colleges area of Amherst, MA. The success of that endeavor lead to the launching of Roundtables at Harvard & MIT, Brown, Columbia, Dartmouth, and Yale, seating thousands of faculty for in-person Roundtable conversations over the last 18 years. Roundtables are now open at Chicago and Northwestern, Penn, Princeton, Duke and Cornell, and universities near these institutions. If you are interested in connecting with a partner Roundtable location, website or email contact information is provided below:
The Cambridge Roundtable (Harvard / MIT / etc.)
The Providence Roundtable (Brown / RISD / etc)
The Faculty Roundtable at Dartmouth, contact Kent Dahlberg
The Five Colleges Faculty Roundtable (Amherst / Smith / etc.), contact Ric Haupt
The NYC Faculty Roundtable (Columbia / NYU / etc.)
The Triangle Roundtable (Duke / Chapel Hill / etc.), contacts Edward Dixon and Margaret Alspaugh
The Penn Faculty Roundtable, contact Michael Chen
The Princeton/Rutgers Faculty Roundtable, contacts Andrew Bocarsly and Patricia Fitzgerald-Bocarsly
The Ithaca Roundtable for Science and Religion (Cornell), contact Hannah Eagleson
The Faculty Roundtable at the University of Chicago, contacts Stacy Alan, Sam Herrmann, and John Mulholland